


Alhamdulillah, saya selalu percaya dg kekuatan usaha disertai doa, juga support dari orang² disekeliling saya. Terimakasih ya Allah. Alhamdulillah nilai D sudah berganti dg AB, tepat saat takbir idul fitri berkumandang, setelah berjam-jam nunggu kabar dari pak Made Narsa yg notabene adalah dosen yg mengoreksi ujianku, akhirnya beliau ngasih kabar kalo nilaiku salah input. Alhamdulillah. Dan akhirnya, bisa merayakan lebaran dengan tenang, tanpa kecemasan apapun. :)
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin, :)



Ya Allah, hancur KHS semester 4 ini hanya karena 1 mata kuliah bernilai D. :'(
Ya Allah, hanya engkau yg dapat mengubah sesuatu yang tidak mungkin menjadi mungkin. Bantu saya ya Allah, lancarkan lidah saya dalam meyakinkan hati dosen saya, tenangkan hati dan pikiran saya. Ya Allah, tolong saya. :'(


What does this scene called ?

Think I'm currently facing a quarter life crisis. It seem so, though not sure how it feels like. I'm afraid about my future, i'm afraid I lost my way, i'm afraid I'll face it alone. I do loosen my expectations, because I do believe that the more we expect something, the more we found our disillusions. Being grateful for everything we have is the best way if we were in this situation, but come on, it's not that easy at all. At this moment, only Allah the one who makes me strong. Yeah, I leave it to Allah, then I have nothing to worry about. Allah is the best planner, this gonna make myself better. Oh I wish this scene of my life have a skip button ! -___-


Get Well Soon

My cat is now sick. She doesn't eat yet since the past 5 days. It's impossible if a cat can survive while it didn't eat anything for several day, isn't it ? But she's so strong. Believe it or not, she still go back and forth to my home and the second floor of my warehouse which is placed on a backyard of my home, you know what I mean, didn't eat anything ! how can she survive ! that's the question is. She doesn't eat, just drink a water ― tasteless, not milk or another kind of water, and when I try to carrying her, she scream out in pain and I don't know what it called but she looks spastic and unconcious. Oh God, I'm so scared seeing my cat like this, she is in pain ! Why I don't bring her to a vet ? well, I don't know if there is any vet in my town, and if there is a vet in here, i doubt that my parent permit me to bring her there. They prefer to take care my cat with their own way. And here we are, every 2 hours we feed her a milk mixed with a few of egg yolk. We use a pipette to feed her.
May Allah cure her as soon as possible. Aamiin.


"Manusia terlalu sering mempertanyakan hal hal yg sudah jelas terjawab hanya untuk mendramatisasi kelemahannya, atau kadang, untuk memamerkan betapa kritis dirinya." — Seribu Wajah Ayah, @azharnurnala


New Blog Display !

Hellooo, I'm back with new display on the blog ! so clear right ? this cute blog template was from here. Oh I love those mint color, give a fresh looks on my blog. Social button on the right side was from the different blogger. 44 different color of social button ! #bookmarked ! I've changed my blog template for several times but it's a little bit hard for me to find out the suitable template for my blog, but finally, I'm found it ! and thank God those are freebies ! :D


Buber SD ??

Kabar menggembirakan datang dari grup fb sd saya, grup khusus angkatan saya tepatnya. Ya, kita mau ngadain buber, God ! Betapa bahagiany saya ! Alhamdulillah. Kangen sekali saya sm mereka, yah, semoga lengkap yg datang, meskipun mustahil. :|

Betapa. Ini post random banget.

Betapa gue gak mudah untuk move on. Haha. Berarti gue setia dong ?


Sungguh kasihan orang yang lebih bahagia berada di mimpi indah tidurny. Bukan kah yg demikian menunjukkan betapa ia tak bersyukur dg kehidupanny ?

Ramadhan tiba.

Ini tahun kedua saya tidak melaksanakan puasa ramadhan bersama keluarga. Tahun lalu, saya berada di pare, kampung inggris tepatny. Tahun ini saya di kota perantauan saya. Kalau bukan karena ujian akhir semester saya pasti puasa di rumah. Ah, 2 minggu awal puasa bakal saya habiskan disini, 2 minggu selanjutny di rumah.
Hari ini sudah memasuki puasa hari ke 5, saya sama sekali belum merasakanny. Sedih.
Oh iya, saya sudah menempati kos baru saya. Alhamdulillah. Bagaimanapun juga ini keputusan saya yang buat, jadi saya harus enjoy. Oh iya, mendekorasi kamar ? That's soooo fun ! :D